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Heart Health

Heart Health


May 27, 2023



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Lignans have been shown to provide cardioprotective effects.

There is consistent data that shows a marked reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease with a lignan-rich diet.

In a prospective, 12-year Finnish study, 1,889 men were followed for 12 years. Those with the highest enterolactone levels, an indicator of a high lignan diet, were significantly less likely to die from coronary artery disease.

Small clinical trials showed that adding lignans to the diet, for 4-12 weeks decreased LDL (low-density lipoproteins) cholesterol.

Fountain of Life is your high-quality, efficient source of lignans for your diet, replacing the lignans that have been lost through processing and engineering.


Heart Health,

Cardiovascular Protection,

Lignan Benefits,

LDL Cholesterol,

Fountain of Life


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