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Scientific Research

May 27, 2023

Scientific Research


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By 2025, 1.1 billion women will be in menopause. Although the menopausal transition affects every maturing woman, it is an often overlooked stage in the female's life.
The transitional changes are marked by hot flashes, interrupted sleep patterns along with physiological changes.
However, over 73% of women do not address the symptoms of menopause and simply accept this change as part of their life cycle.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, women lose 30% of their collagen during their first 5 years of menopause and 2% of their collagen every year for the next 20 years.
Due to the diminishing levels of collagen, a woman's skin loses it firmness and begins to sag. Jowls may appear along with permanent lines that may run from the tip of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
Permanent, visible wrinkles that used to appear occasionally are now part of the facial aesthetic.
The tip of the nose may begin to dip along with pouches under your eyes.
As the pH changes, a woman's skin becomes more sensitive and easily irritated.
Androgenic alopecia may develop as dihydrotestosterone develops from the low levels of testosterone in a woman. This leads to significant hair loss.
For many women, menopause is a very challenging journey, yet one that remains untreated.
Opulence Global's research team offers new hope for the menopausal woman. With a lineup of powerful products, menopause no longer needs to be an ignored transition.
Fountain of Life is the most important source of enterolactone. Converted from the 7-hydroxymatairesinol lignan in Fountain of Life, enterolacone lowers oxidative stress which leads to a chronic inflammatory state.
It attenuates the formation of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A small amount of DHT in a woman leads to significant hair loss.
The physiological structure of the phytoestrogen lignan is similar to that of the human estrogen.

In one study into menopausal symptoms, supplementation of women's diets with 40 g/day of lignans was shown to produce a decrease in the number of hot flushes, and attenuated menopausal symptoms. A number of studies have confirmed the positive benefits of lignans on hot flushes and vaginal dryness, and it is likely that consumption of 40 g or more of lignans is required to elicit beneficial effects.

The Biasiotto study [published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2018 indicated that the 7-hydroxymatairesinol lignans encourage vascular health while combating the loss of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin, bones and joints, and lowering insulin resistance while decreasing stress on the pancreas. The addition of this lignan to the diet creates a better physiological response to aging.
The lignan in Fountain of Life supports women's health far beyond the symptomatology of menopause. Its anti-cancer and anti-metastatic properties are proven in societies ingesting a high lignan diet. As well, cardiovascular support is increased with the lowering of LDL's and increasing heart-healthy HDL's.
The beauty industry recognizes the need to reduce chronic inflammation as they are seeking solutions to improve the health of aging skin through better nutritional supplementation to lower oxidative stress. Fountain of Life can impact the appearance of skin through the lowering of inflammation. Beauty starts from within.
Menopause does not have to go unresolved as Fountain of Life provides a new avenue to improve everyone's quality of life.


Women's health,





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