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What are Lignans?

What are Lignans?


May 27, 2023



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Lignans are plant nutrients that neutralize the impact of free radicals on our bodies.
Free radicals are molecules missing an electron. As these molecules steal an electron from healthy cells, over time, it can cause damage to the human body.

Lignans have the unique property of being able to loan an electron without themselves becoming a free radical.

The danger of free radical activity can lead to oxidative stress which potentially develops significant health issues over time. Diabetes type II, cardiovascular disease and cancer are just a few examples of issues caused by years of oxidative stress.

However, there is hope.

A 30-year retrospective study showed 30% less cancer, and 30% less heart disease, for those societies following a high lignan diet.

Unfortunately, the average person ingests about 1mg of lignans daily while the recommended levels are 50-100 times that amount.

Although health professionals recommend an increase in foods containing lignans, many of our food sources are low or devoid of this nutrient.

Researchers have discovered that the highest quality and quantity of lignans are in the Norwegian Spruce Tree growing in Northern Finland.

A patented process allowed us to extract the powerful lignan 7-hydroxymatairesinol (7-HMR) from the stem heartwood of this tree.

Fountain of Life is the complete lignan source, including 7 essential lignans, predominantly 7-hydroxymatairesinol, providing the strength and variety unmatched by any product, fruit, or vegetable on the market.

Fountain of Life is your finest product to augment your diet, it provides you with a powerful source of lignans that may potentially improve your quality of life.


Fountain of Life,

Heart Health,

Antioxidant Benefits,

Spruce Lignans,

Oxidative Stress


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